well, in an effort to completely rebel against all things 'watchtower', i decided that since i gave all my years since leaving school to the borg, and listened to their admonition to avoid 'higher education' i have just started... right from bottom.... today i took a 2 hour maths test to see if i would be eligible to go on a course to re-take my gcse maths exam (this is the qualification you study for here in england in the last 2 years of compulsory schooling from ages 14-16).
back in may 1988 i did no revision, and didn't study hence a complete flop of all exams.... and seeing that 'education' wasn't on the agenda back then, and has always been warned against, (unless it was perhaps trade oriented) it was wiped from my mind... yep a jw mind-wipe occurred here, i've decided to go back to school, just for the challenge of it, f**k the org, i might have wasted decades swallowing their philosophy, but i don't have to let that past control me now... the test was 'really' hard going... and i don't think i passed, but can still get on a more basic course to start me off if i don't get on the main course.... the tutors were so warm and enthusiastic about me taking up the study at aged 43, it was so nice to hear someone get excited that i'm going to study (never in 29 years with the borg) .
i've also learned something else; jw's talk about the 'highest education' that the watchtower supposedly teaches... bullshit, that 'call and response' crap that you do in watchtower study and other meetings, that parroting, has got to be the lowest form of education there is, you don't use your brain, you don't have to analyse or think or deduce or calculate, or use savvy... it's just call and response, and nothing more, pure repetition, answer what's in the paragraph.
i'm interested to know if anyone has been to see a medium/clairvoyant since leaving jw's.
i must admit now i can make my own choices i seem to have a fascination with it although haven't acted on it as a) am i just jumping into believing another load of rubbish?
and b) what if it really is the demons pretending to be loved ones!!
the u.k. is having a national referendum in 2017, to decide whether to remain in the european union or to abandon it.. in view of the total impotence and absence of agreement of eu governments to handle mass migration to mainland europe, my bet would be for a landslide vote to leave the e.u.
- if the referendum was held within the next 6-9 months.
yes, i have returned.. a short recap of major events since my inactivity began: i finally revealed to my parents that i do not believe the same thing they believe in (after i was caught smooching my girlfriend by a family of good-for-nothing pieces of human feces), and of course they view themselves as failed parents who were unable to brainwash their children.
that is, of course, the reason why they are much more controlling over what i do in my life now (my mom even tried having a "bible study" with me).
i told them everything and i was unable to dent their jw imposed mind force field, while also exposing a clear jw misunderstanding of probability, evolution, history, logic/reason, and the big bang theory.. in a conversation i had with my mother a few weeks back (i also heard this rumor before, but my mother told me it again), she mentioned how the un held a summit of all religions and when the jws presented themselves and mentioned their preaching work warning of the coming un ban on religion (referring to an international organization who can't even prevent genocide, much less impose human rights), a un official came up to the jw who presented the cult and told him to "speed up the preaching work", because they plan on doing the ban soon.. it saddens me to think of how ignorant jws are in relation to the principles upon which the un was founded and being unaware that the un at least has some sense as to not ban religion, but this rumor, as ridiculous as it is, needs to be put at rest.
i heard that many silly stories and myths when i was a dub----in the 60's. its hardly surprising so many dubs will listen to--believe--and repeat all that nonsense----after all--they accept all the other crap the wts dump on them.
the reason i ask is because i realise i couldn't go on reading watchtower material.
i have discovered it did something to my mind no other literature has done to me before.
it had turned me in to a person without a heart, or soul, and made me in humane and distant from other humans who didn't share the w.t world view.. i now feel ashamed of my childish behaviour, and i have learnt :-.
50 years ago--as a teenager--i found it difficult to read watchtower print. i even got reading glasses. but i could easily read anything else. i think it was my brain refusing to allow itself to be corrupted.
what totally pisses me off about the watchtower society is----with this huge volunteer labour force-----they could organise to be of REAL value to mankind----anything from help for the poor and needy----to specialised practical help in 3rd world countries----refugee crisis management etc--in other words helping hands alongside the red cross---sally army etc.
in other words--earn the respect and praise of the world----a real witness to their loving god---instead of sinking to be the laughing stock which is all their own making.